­­The composing  orchestra

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      • Job advertisement

        Orchestra Manager
        Bridges Kammerorchester

        We are looking for an orchestra manager for the Bridges Kammerorchester as soon as possible:

        - full-time or part-time (at least 75 %)

        - initially limited to 2 years with the prospect of extension

        Download Job advertisement

        More Info

      • Interview

        Interview with Martyna Kosecka

        In its concerts on 7 & 8 March with the programme Estimate, the Bridges Kammerorchester will perform the commissioned work Tessera by the composer Martyna Kosecka.

        „My mission is to bring music closer to other people and bound them in a collective experience…“, reveals the composer in her conversation with Louisa Hutzler. Martyna Kosecka sees „great potential for change and equality“
        in the innovative profile of the Bridges Kammerorchester. Music is the „universal language that can bring people together“ .

        To the interview with Martyna Kosecka

        Foto © Siv Dolmen

      • Education

        Klangwelten – Cooperation project
        with Dr. Hoch’s Konservatorium

        In cooperation with the Bridges Kammerorchester, Dr. Hoch’s Konservatorium is expanding its range of courses from winter semester 25/26. The Bachelor’s degree programme in Elementare Musikpädagogik und Musikvermittlung will then also allow students to study instruments that do not correspond to the Western European canon. Those interested can register for the entrance examination in June 25 or for the PreCollege.

        More Info

        Tag der offenen Tür
        22.02.25, 13-18 Uhr
        Dr. Hoch’s Konservatorium

      • Premieres

        Concerts 2025

        The Bridges Kammerorchester will be performing four different concert programmes in renowned venues in the first half of 2025. Ticket sales have started!

        Estimate – 7. & 8. März Casals Forum

        Beyond time and space –12. April hr- Sendesaal

        Complementarity – 3. Mai Hilchenbach 

        Glokale Welthits
        12. Juni netzwerk.seilerei
        & 13. Juni Bachfest Leipzig

      • Achieving more together

        Bridges Kammerorchester e. V.

        Our Förderverein Bridges Kammerorchester e. V. is currently being founded. Its aim is to support the orchestra in increasing its impact and enriching the musical landscape through its diversity. You can already become a member now.

        Kontakt: friends@bridges-kammerorchester.de

        Membership form

        Foto: Jubiläumsfeier 5 Jahre Bridges Kammerorchester, Dr. Hoch’s Konservatorium 13.10.

      • Online-Release


        Our album Complementarity, released in 2024, stands for the liveliness of the Bridges sound and was nominated for the Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik 02/2024 in the category Grenzgänge.

        more info

        About the album in full length: Complementarity

      • Premiere

        Successful premiere
        at the Elbphilharmonie

        With its debut at the Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival, the Bridges Kammerorchester kicked off the new 24/25 season on 26 August in the sold-out Elbphilharmonie.

        Press articles
        Stephan Knies, BackstageClassical, 28.08.24
        Andreas Ströbl, Klassik Begeistert, 27.08.24
        Sophie Wolter, Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, 26.08.24

      • Streaming-Premiere

        Exploring the space beyond

        The Bridges Kammerorchester’s program Exploring the space beyond was celebrated with standing ovations in the hr-Sendesaal in April. If you were unable to attend or would like to hear the works again, you can now enjoy the concert via stream.

        Click here for the stream

      • Our Awards

        Longlist German Record Critics‘ Award

        Complementarity was nominated for the German Record Critics’ Award 02/2024 in the category of Crossover Productions. Complementarity is our vibrancy – and the title of our second album, released in March 2024. The works of the orchestra members are full of multi-layered experiences and reflections and represent the unique liveliness of the Bridges sound.


        Bridges Kammerorchester

        We are revolutionising the concert experience. Our music renders immigrant societies audible. The Bridges Kammerorchester brings diversity to the stage, the audience and the venues.


        Bridges Ensembles

        The Bridges Ensembles bring our transcultural sound to any location – from duo to quintet. The individual artistic identities of the ensemble members shape the repertoire.


        Bridges Education

        We promote transcultural music education and empower children and young people with music theater and hands-on activities. We pass on our experience and expertise with transcultural music in workshops and in a university context. 


        Bridges Community

        In our community projects, (semi-) professional musicians can make music together with musicians from the Bridges Kammerorchester. We create a lively community in which the focus is on learning from each other and musical encounters.



        „The Bridges Kammerorchester is the orchestra of our time. In the orchestra as well as in the ensembles, in education and community formats, the wonderful diversity of music can be experienced. The Bridges Kammerorchester makes clear what is possible in a post-migrant society: a new whole that is more than the sum of its parts. This makes the beauty of diversity audible.“

        Prof. Dr. Meron Mendel, Director of the Bildungsstätte Anne Frank
        Foto © Ali Ghandtschi
        Foto © Katarina Ivanisevic

        „The Bridges Kammerorchester engages with our society and seeks musical dialog. Playing together in different time signatures creates friction. Contemporary music that connects – with a lot of feeling.“

        Hadija Haruna-Oelker, journalist/author

        „The Bridges Kammerorchester is a great ambassador for our region. It not only brings together outstanding musicians, but also combines musical influences from all over the world to create a unique blend. Diversity enriches and inspires. The ensemble conveys this through music. Bridges could not be better suited to our times and our colorful region. I’m already looking forward to the next concert.“ 

        Kaweh Mansoori, Hessian Minister of Economics and Deputy Prime Minister
        Foto © Paul Schneider/Hessische Staatskanzlei