Glokale Welthits in Frankfurt

Glokale Welthits in Frankfurt (Local world hits in Frankfurt) – every musical tradition has them: so-called (world) hits that everyone knows. But who is „everyone“ here?

„Everyone“ is essentially people with a similar musical socialization. If you look outside your own environment, you quickly realize how surprisingly unknown the supposed hit is.

A heterogeneous city like Frankfurt in particular holds a significant treasure trove of musical cultures and diversity, and therefore also of such global hits. As part of the Festival Mitten am Rand at the Alte Oper Frankfurt, the Bridges Kammerorchester 2022 dedicated itself to precisely these hits and presented a concert program that the orchestra members developed and performed together with teachers, children and parents from the Henri-Dunant-Schule in Frankfurt-Sossenheim.

The project has now been completed. If you are interested in resuming the concept at your school or concert hall, please contact us.

Conductor Harish Shankar
Artistic direction Johanna-Leonore Dahlhoff
Education Samira Memarzadeh, Peter Klohmann
Pedagogical direction Anne Rumpf

Nicola Vock, Head of Education & Community
